The Agenda is Up

The agenda for Tuesday’s City Council meeting is online. You can read just the agenda or the entire packet (agenda with complete documentation).

Item 14D, Charter Changes, is critical to open government.

What are the recommendations that will affect open government? We discuss them below, but you can read through them all and determine if others are important to you.

You can comment on them via the City Council comments form. It’s best to fill it out online, indicate that you wish to speak, and also include your comments in case you don’t make it to the meeting, can’t get in, or change your mind about speaking. (See our previous post on this topic.)

PLEASE NOTE: The City Council can ignore the recommendations of their appointed Charter Commission. (See our previous post on this topic.)

QUORUM: By a vote of 11-2, this modified amendment was APPROVED by the Commission.

Prop. 5: Shall Section 3.13 of the Charter be amended to specify that 3 members of the Council shall constitute a quorum?

THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT CHARTER CHANGE! Under the current Charter, a voting majority of three Council members can meet in private. This amendment would stop that, making a quorum four members for all City Council meetings, but three members at all other times. A voting majority could no longer meet in private, outside of a public meeting.

TWO READINGS: By a 12-0 vote this amendment was REJECTED by the Commission.

Prop. C: Shall Section 3.15(b) of the Charter be amended to authorize the city council to waive by an affirmative vote of four (4) or more Council Members the requirement that an ordinance be read in two separate meetings?

The point of two readings is so that the public has an opportunity to know what the City Council is considering and come to a future meeting to be heard on the subject. The City Council appointed Charter Commission REJECTED this proposal.

P&Z MEMBERSHIP: This amendment was REJECTED by the Commission.

Prop. I: Shall Section 12.01 of the Charter be amended to provide that the number of Planning and Zoning commissioners shall be established by ordinance?

[NOTE: In the Commission’s second meeting, a motion was made to leave the number of Planning and Zoning Commissioners as stated in the Charter. It was approved on a vote of 12-0.]

In the Commission’s second meeting, a motion was made to leave the number of Planning and Zoning Commissioners as stated in the current Charter. This motion was approved on a vote of 12-0. The City Council appointed Charter Commission wants the P&Z membership left as is.

BOARD APPOINTMENTS: By a vote of 11-1, this amendment was APPROVED by the Commission.

Prop. 1: Shall Section 3.01 of the Charter be amended to clarify that the Mayor appoints candidates to serve on boards (committees, commissions, task forces, etc.) and the Council confirms the appointment?

This will provide clarity given imprecise language in Sections 3.01(5) and 3.08. The City Council appointed Charter Commission APPROVED this proposal. An alternative to allow 2 City Council members to appoint was REJECTED.

CHARTER REVIEW: By a vote of 10-1, this modified amendment was APPROVED by the Commission.

Prop. 4: Shall Section 3.09 of the Charter be amended to mandate that the City Council must appoint a Charter Review Commission every six years?

This mandates that a citizens Charter Review Commission be appointed to conduct the assessment. The City Council appointed Charter Commission APPROVED this proposal.