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Posts that call for citizens to take action

Charter Change Discussion

SPECIAL City Council MeetingMONDAY • August 19 • 5PM Deadline for Charter changes to be voted on if they’re to be on the November 5 ballot. See discussion below.

Will the City Council uphold this major transparency win?

The Council-created City of Bastrop Charter Commission met yesterday (July 29). The City Council, when creating this Commission, required a super-majority (10 out of 13) to vote in favor of any proposed changes to the Charter. The Commission is not empowered to place changes on the ballot for voter approval. The Commission is only empowered

July 23 Council Meeting

Come out to tonight’s City Council meeting. 6:30. Come early. Once seats are filled, no one else is allowed in. Read Councilwoman Fossler’s flyer below.…/uploads/2024/07/Fossler-Flyer.pdf Sign up to speak or share your thoughts. Item 9O, 9P, Prop 5, page 508 on the agenda is about reducing quorum so a voting majority can’t meet

Support the Bastrop Open Government Amendment

Call or email Council Members Meyer, Kirkland, and Plunkett to urge them to end their private meetings, to discuss public business in public, and to place the Bastrop Open Government Amendment on the November ballot. You can also thank Council members Kerry Fossler, Cheryl Lee and Mayor Lyle Nelson for their support for this amendment. The Council has until August

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